General Catalog 2024-2025 
    Feb 11, 2025  
General Catalog 2024-2025

Student Life

Student Services

The purpose of Student Services Division is to design and implement services and programs for students which enable them to meet their short-term and long-term educational or training goals. These services and programs include counseling, registration, admissions, testing, financial aid, tutoring, recruitment/retention, employable skills training, Federal TRIO programs, and facilitating the Student Government Association (SGA). Students who take advantage of those services and programs are better equipped to achieve stated goals.

Active participation in extracurricular activities is encouraged as it provides students with many opportunities for leadership and personal growth and enables them to become aware of their fullest potential. Students will not be excluded from membership in any organization because of race, color, religion, age, sex, disability, natural origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status or genetic information.


Counseling services provide access to the resources and supports that are critical to student success by assisting students with personal, career, and academic decisions. The following types of counseling services are offered to all prospective and current students: admissions counseling, academic and educational planning, personal counseling and referrals, and career planning. Counselor offices are in the Strickland building, Student Services suite. Students are welcome to walk-in or make appointments by contacting the counselors at 910-275-6265 or (910) 275-6367.


The following types of testing are offered:

  • Placement test (as needed)
  • GED (computer-based)
  • HISET (paper-based)
  • TEAS
  • SAT
  • Proctored test
  • Career inventories

Faculty Advisor

Each student will be assigned an advisor in his/her primary program of study who will assist in planning a schedule to meet his/her educational needs and counsel with him/her concerning any related problems that may arise. Students are encouraged to visit their advisor throughout the semester. Full-time faculty have regular office hours each week to meet with students. The days and times are posted on office doors. Advisors may be available at other times by appointment.

Student Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 is a Federal law which states (a) that a written institutional policy must be established and (b) that a statement of adopted procedures covering the privacy rights of students are made available. The law provides that the college will maintain the confidentiality of student educational records. Educational information refers to any record maintained by an educational institution, including files, documents, and materials of any type which contain information directly related to students, and which allows a student to be identified.

James Sprunt Community College accords all the rights under the law to students who are declared independent. No one outside the College shall have access to nor will the college disclose any information from students’ educational records without the written consent of students except to personnel within the college, to officials of other institutions in which students seek to enroll, to persons or organizations providing student financial aid, to accrediting agencies carrying out their accreditation function, to persons in compliance with a lawfully issued judicial or Ex Parte order under the USA Patriot Act, to persons in an emergency in order to protect the health or safety of students or other persons, to individuals requesting directory information so designated by the College, to a victim or to institutions of postsecondary education in connection with disciplinary proceedings, to officials as deemed necessary in connection with an audit or evaluation or certain state or federally supported education programs, to parents of an eligible student who is claimed as a dependent for income tax purposes, to the student, to the parent of a student regarding any violation governing the use or possession of alcohol or controlled substance if the student is under the age of 21, and related to sex offenders and other individuals required to register under the Violent Crime Control Act of 1994. All of these exceptions are permitted under the Act.

Within the James Sprunt Community College community, only those members, individually or collectively, acting in the student’s educational interest are allowed access to student educational records. These members include a person employed by the College in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research or support staff position, including health or medical staff; a person elected to the Board of Trustees; a person employed by or under contract to the College to perform a special task, such as the attorney or auditor; a person who is employed by the College for law enforcement purposes; a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or who is assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks; a contractor, consultant, volunteer, or other party to whom an agency or institution has outsourced institutional services or funding. At its discretion the college may provide Directory information in accordance with the provisions of the Act to include: Student name, address, telephone number, electronic mail address, photograph, date of birth, major field of study, dates and/or days of attendance, enrollment status, educational agency or institution attended by the student, participation in officially recognized sports and activities, honors and awards received (includes Dean’s and President’s Lists), and degrees conferred. Students may release or withhold Directory information by notifying the Registrar in writing within two weeks after the first day of class for a fall term or for the first term in which the student is enrolled.

Request for disclosure - To allow communication regarding your records, for designated individuals, a Student Release Authorization Form will need to be on file with Student Services. Without this form we will not be able to discuss anything other than directory information.

Request for non‐disclosure - To deny communication regarding directory information a Request to Withhold Directory Information form needs to be with Student Services. To reverse this a Request to Release Directory Information will need to be completed with Student Services. The college assumes that failure on the part of any student to file a request for nondisclosure indicates approval for disclosure.

The student’s current record typically contains the application, transcript(s), transfer credit evaluation (if applicable), test scores, registration forms, grade reports, and may contain some financial aid information. Requests to review educational records shall be made in writing by the student to the Associate Vice President of Student Services. The law provides students with the right to inspect and review information contained in their education records, to challenge the contents of their education records, to have a hearing if the outcome of the challenge is unsatisfactory, and to submit explanatory statements for inclusion in their files if they feel the decisions of the hearing panels to be unacceptable. The Registrar at James Sprunt Community College has been designated by the College to coordinate the inspection and review procedures for student education records, which include admissions, personal, academic, and financial files, and academic, cooperative education, and placement records. Students wishing to review their education records must make written request to the Registrar listing the item or items of interest. Only records covered by the Act will be made available within forty‐five days of the request. Any additional information concerning the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 may be obtained in the Registrar’s Office.

Retention and Disposition of Records

James Sprunt Community College’s Student Services Records Retention and Imaging policy is maintained by the Registrar’s Office. All records are digitized and kept for their required time periods, per this policy. Digital records are kept on campus and backed up at an off-site location.


The college does not have dormitory facilities. Students wishing to live away from home must arrange their own accommodations.

Career Services

It is the mission of Career Services to empower students to identify their unique talents and skillsets. Career Services also provides the tools for students to conduct a successful job search. Students have access to an array of comprehensive services, which includes an ongoing workshop series, individual career counseling, career assessment, the annual Job Fair, and other activities. Career workshops are offered throughout the spring and fall and are open to all students. 

Students also have access to individual career counseling sessions. This is particularly helpful to students who need assistance in selecting a program of study. The Counselors meet with students to determine their interests and strengths. Career assessment is offered through both the College Foundation of NC and the NC Career Clusters Guide. Both assessment services are free of charge. For students who need personalized resume review, the Counselors assist students in the editing process.

The Counselor for Career Planning coordinates the annual Job Fair for students and the community. The purpose of the fair is to connect students with local employers. The employers who attend represent the diverse industries of Duplin County and the surrounding area. Some employers conduct on-site interviews during the fair, and attendees have the opportunity to apply on-site. The fair is open to both students and the larger community.

Furthermore, job postings are updated weekly and can be viewed on the JSCC online job board. The online job board is accessible on the Counseling & Career Services webpage. The Counselor for Career Planning also shares the openings with various departments and members of the job board listserv.

Student Health Services 

The college does not provide medical, hospital, or surgical services. Medical services are available at the emergency room in the nearby Vidant Duplin Hospital in Kenansville. Ambulance service will be available upon request. A doctor is on call 24 hours a day at the hospital.

All students are covered under a group accident policy funded by student activity fees and vending revenues. Contact the Associate Vice President of Student Services for information. All Health Education students at the college will carry individual liability insurance paid for by the individual. First aid kits are located in the Student Services Office and in the shop areas for minor treatment.

Student Organizations

The following are some of the active organizations on campus. Other student organizations may be available for membership and will be made available to students in the fall of each year.

Ambassador Program

The James Sprunt Community College Ambassador Program consists of an honorary group of students who have been nominated by faculty and staff to represent the college at special events on campus and in the community. Each Ambassador must have completed a successful interview with the screening committee, be a full-time student, and be in good standing with the college.  Contact the James Sprunt Community College Foundation at (910) 275-6152 or (910) 275-6135 for further information.


E-Sports is a type of sport where gamers practice and compete against other gamers on online platforms.  Members will gather to hold competitions for online computer and console games, and will be placed into teams against each other online and in person.  Contact Sally Schmitt at (910) 275-6305.

Phi Theta Kappa

James Sprunt Community College instituted a chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, an international honor society for two-year colleges, in 1995. In 1929, Phi Theta Kappa was designated as the official honor society of America’s two-year colleges by the American Association of Community and Junior Colleges. To be eligible for this honor, a student must be enrolled in a two-year college, have completed at least twelve hours of course work towards an associate degree, have a grade point average of at least 3.50, have established a record of academic excellence, be of good moral character and possess qualities of good citizenship. Contact Anne Kennedy at (910) 275-6255, Cara Simmons at (910) 275-6313,
or San Solu at (910) 275-6224 for further information.

Social-Behavioral Science Club

This organization works toward the overall health of the community.  Members intend to spread awareness of, show support for, and guide those who are struggling with various issues including social, environmental, mental and behavioral.  The aim is to be a light in the darkness providing support to our community through service and volunteer work.  Members will expand on and increase knowledge of local and global issues.  Contact Cara Simmons at (910) 275-6313 or Stephanie Voris at (910) 275-6319.

Spartan Cosmetology Club

This is a student-run organization that provides a platform for individuals passionate about the beauty industry to explore, learn and connect. It will enable them to foster a collaborative environment for learning and networking among students, professionals and industry experts, and to cultivate a sense of community and camaraderie among members. Contact Andrenna Johnson at (910) 275-6298 or Arbelia Guerra Gaona at (910) 275-6257.

Spartan Spirit Innovation Club

This is a student-led organization in which new ideas are developed and expressed in a creative environment to strengthen Spartan Skills and to encourage students to engage in the total college experience.  Contact Colleen Kehoe-Robinson at (910) 275-6332, Krisha Parker at (910) 275-6326, Nicole Banks at (910) 275-6368, or Amanda Jasinski at (910) 275-6295.

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association (SGA) provides students with practical experience in responsible democratic citizenship through participation in a program of self-government. The SGA is designed to promote the general welfare of the college in a democratic fashion and to facilitate communication between the student body, the faculty, the staff, and the administration. This organization provides a means through which students can promote interest in student activities both on and off campus. Contact Tonda Clowney, (910) 275-6361, for further information.

Women of Tomorrow

This organization seeks to improve the quality of life for female students at James Sprunt Community College.  By preparing students for responsible citizenship and success, we will help transform our educational environment and strengthen the academic, professional, social, and economic development in our communities.  Monthly seminars are held to cover: goal setting, time management, career planning, budgeting, study skills, and mentoring.  Please contact Ashley Graham at (910) 275-6317, Mary Ann Simmons at (910) 275-6320, Kelli Jacobs at (910) 275-6316 or
Kris’T Sloan at (910) 275-6318 for more information.


The James Sprunt Community College bookstore is owned by the College and operated by Follett for the convenience of students, faculty, and staff. It is operated as a self-supporting department of the school. College textbooks and supplies are handled at the bookstore under the following policies and procedures:

Sales Returns-Sales returns will be made only under the following circumstances:

  1. A defective book is sold.
  2. A book is sold to the student through error by college personnel.
  3. A book is returned within two weeks following registration day.


Upon accepting a sales return, the sales personnel will ascertain whether the book was sold for cash or on a third-party account. If the book was sold on a third-party account, credit will be made to the account.


Students are expected to maintain good personal dress and grooming that is consistent with college life and/or industry. Students are expected to conform to regulations concerning special dress, hygiene, and safety devices as required by the college. A student’s dress should not be distracting to the educational environment as determined by college officials.

Student Participation in School Activities

Students are encouraged to participate in institutionally sanctioned activities. It is recognized that the participation in extra-curricular activities is of paramount importance to the total education of the student. Nevertheless, guidelines should be established which may aid both the student and the faculty/staff in establishing the acceptable limits of participation. The following items are established as the general guidelines affecting student participation in school-sanctioned activities:

  1. The student must remain in good academic standing as indicated by the current institutional catalog.
  2. Students must obtain prior approval from each instructor to be excused from class. Events will be publicized in advance.
  3. It is expected that activities scheduled by the college will be held during times which conflict less with scheduled classes.
  4. A student may be excused for sanctioned student activities for no more than 20 percent of classes of each course in which he/she is enrolled each semester. Students are responsible for all materials and work missed.

Student Activities

Each student is given the opportunity to participate in extra-curricular activities. James Sprunt Community College encourages each student to participate in the events provided for them.

Student Identification Policy

Identification (ID) Cards

ALL JSCC students must obtain a JSCC photo identification (ID) card regardless as to whether they are online students or in-person students.  Students must present one form of government issued photo identification and their class schedule at the time the ID card is made. Cards for all students are issued in the Student Activities Office (Strickland Center) at registration and as needed.  

JSCC ID cards must be visible at all times while on campus and under no circumstances should they be altered or lent to another person. Presentation of the ID card is required for identification or participation in various student activities or events. Persons who do not have proper identification may be asked to leave campus. Students who withdraw before the semester ends must turn their ID cards into the SGA Office.  

Lost ID cards must be replaced, and a fee of $5.00 is charged for each duplicate card. Students will need to pay the fee at the Business Office and bring the receipt to the Student Activities Office to have an ID card replaced.  

“JSCC student” defined as to this policy is a student who attends James Sprunt Community College for at least five (5) consecutive days.”


  1. To enhance the safety and security of all individuals on James Sprunt Community College’s campuses, ALL students will be required to obtain a photo identification card regardless as to whether they are online students or in-person students. 
  2. This student ID will serve as the official means of identification for James Sprunt Community College. 
  3. Unless a student loses/misplaces their ID card, it will only need to be issued once. 
  4. The first issued student ID is FREE.  All replacements will cost $5.00. 
  5. The student ID must be visible at all times while on campus. 
  6. The ID is good for two years from date of issue.  If student is still taking classes after that time, the ID will be updated with a current date of issue at no cost. 
  7. Individuals not wearing proper identification will be asked what business they have on campus.  If the answer is satisfactory (i.e. potential applicant filing for admissions/financial aid, visitors on campus tour), that individual will be allowed to continue with his or her business and immediately leave campus upon completion of that business. 


  1. JSCC students will be required to obtain a student ID card before attendance verification, as faculty will not allow a student to attend class without an ID past this date.
  2. Dates and times of ID drives will correspond with this time frame and will be announced at the beginning of each term.

Photo ID Policy

  1. Students will be required to present one form of government-issued photo identification before an ID card is issued.
  2. For ID pictures, James Sprunt Community College requires individuals to remove any items not worn as part of their daily appearance (i.e., prescription eyeglasses). The only exceptions are items worn for cultural or religious purposes.
  3. All bandanas, hats, sunglasses, visors, etc. are to be removed before picture is taken.

Honors and Awards

President’s List

A student who has earned a grade point average of 4.0 (all “A“‘s) and has earned a minimum of 12 semester hours of credit in any one semester will qualify for the President’s List. Grades of “CS” and “I” will exclude a student from this list.

Dean’s List

A student who has earned a grade point average of 3.50-3.99 and has earned a minimum of 12 semester hours of credit in any one semester with no grade below a “B” will qualify for the Dean’s List. Grades of “CS” and “I” will exclude a student from this list.

Highest Honor Student-Associate Degree Programs

This award is given to the graduating student in an associate degree program who has earned the highest grade point average in all class work required in the student’s major at James Sprunt Community College.

Highest Honor Student-Diploma Programs

This award is given to the graduating student in a diploma program who has earned the highest grade point average in all class work required in the student’s major at James Sprunt Community College.

Faison W. McGowen Scholarship Award

This award is given to the graduating student who, in the opinion of the James Sprunt Community College faculty, has best exemplified the characteristics of scholarship, leadership, and citizenship, and has steadfastly stood as a true example of the spirit of James Sprunt Community College.