General Catalog 2024-2025 
    Feb 11, 2025  
General Catalog 2024-2025

Workforce Development/Continuing Education

General Information

Subscribing to the philosophy of “life-long learning”, the Continuing Education Division offers a wide range of courses and programs for adults of all ages and interests. Courses are offered in several broad program areas: Occupational Extension, Self-Supporting, Human Resources Development (HRD), Adult Basic Education (ABE), High School Equivalency (HSE) preparation, Adult High School Diploma Program (AHSDP), English as a Second Language (ESL), cultural and civic activities, as well as workshops and seminars provided through the Small Business Center. Customized Training for area industry is also available.

Adult Continuing Education classes are offered both on and off campus, and during both day and evening. Classes may be offered in other locations where suitable facilities are made available, to include workplace sites.

James Sprunt Community College will establish appropriate classes where needs arise in cooperation with local officials at any suitable location in Duplin County.

When a class is established, the most qualified teachers available will be employed by the college to teach the class. The instructor will also be a liaison between the students, the appropriate division Dean, and the Associate Vice President of Continuing Education in the operation and upgrading of the class offerings.

Announcements concerning dates and times of classes will be made as classes are established. Announcements are usually made through the local newspapers, the James Sprunt Community College Website, social media, as well as through the James Sprunt Community College Newsletter published each semester. James Sprunt Community College reserves the right to limit class enrollment and, when necessary, to cancel any class due to insufficient enrollment. Preregistration is required for all Occupational Extension and HRD classes.

At least (6) persons must enroll to begin a class. If the average attendance of the class falls below six (6) at any time, the Associate Vice President of Continuing Education shall have the option of discontinuing the class. If a need arises for a class in your area, call Continuing Education, James Sprunt Community College, telephone (910) 275-6160.


To enroll in courses offered in Continuing Education, a person must be at least eighteen (18) years of age. Persons between the ages of 16 and 18 and still attending high school (including home schooling), may enroll.

Academic Credit

Classes/courses offered through Continuing Education are non-credit. Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) may be awarded to students who successfully complete certain occupational extension programs. One CEU is equivalent to ten (10) clock hours of instruction.

When Courses Will Begin

An approved course may be started at any time. The time and dates of registration for courses generally will be announced separately in the semester schedules, advertised in local newspapers, on the JSCC website and other public and social media.


Students must register and pay all associated fees prior to the class start date. Registration forms can be found on the JSCC website or by visiting the Continuing Education office. For additional information, call (910) 275-6160.


Students are encouraged to attend all classes. In order for a student to be eligible for a Certificate of Completion/Achievement, he/she must attend at least 80 percent of the classes as well as successfully complete the prescribed course work. Some specialty classes may have more strict attendance requirements. This applies to those classes that have clinical hours included in the total hours of the class.


A registration fee is charged for all Occupational Extension classes and is payable prior to the class start date. Registration fees are set by the North Carolina legislature and based on the duration (total hours) of the class. Where machines such as computers, sewing machines, etc., are used, a small usage fee may be charged. Certain courses may require payment for medical or liability insurance. For Law Enforcement In-Service training, Fire Service, and Volunteer Life-Saving Personnel provided the student is referred by the employing agency for such training, the registration fee may be waived. All other fees associated with the class must be paid. Exemption from registration fees does not apply to self-supporting classes.

Tuition and fees for HRD classes may be waived if you meet at least one of the following criteria: 1) unemployed; 2) have received notification of a pending layoff; 3) are working and eligible for the Federal Earned Income Tax Credit (FEIT); or 4) working and earning wages at or below two hundred percent (200%) of the federal poverty guidelines. 

Refund Policy

Occupational Extension

A student who officially withdraws from an occupational extension class prior to the first class meeting shall be eligible for a 100% refund. Also, a student is eligible for a 100% refund if the class fails to meet the minimum student enrollment and the class is canceled. After the class begins, a student may be eligible for a refund of 75% by completing a refund request form and submitting the form to the instructor or Continuing Education department prior to or on the 10% date of the class based on the scheduled hours of the class. A 75% refund consists of tuition/registration only. All fees, including parking, insurance, student activity fees, etc., are non-refundable after the start of a course.

Human Resource Development

A student who does not qualify for a tuition fee waiver, submits a tuition payment, and officially withdraws from a human resource development training course prior to the first class meeting, shall be eligible for a 100% refund. Also, a student is eligible for a 100% refund if the class fails to meet with minimum student enrollment and the class is canceled. After the class begins, a student may be eligible for a refund of 75% by completing the refund request form and submitting the form to the instructor or Continuing Education Department prior to or on the 10% date of the class based on the scheduled hours of the class. A 75% refund consists of tuition/registration only. All fees, including parking, insurance, student activity fees, etc., are non-refundable after the start of a course.


A student who officially withdraws from a self-supporting class prior to the first class meeting shall be eligible for a 100% refund. Also, a student is eligible for a 100% refund if the class fails to meet with minimum student enrollment and the class is canceled. After the class begins, no student enrolled in a self-supporting class is eligible to receive a refund.


A transcript containing all Continuing Education classes attended through James Sprunt Community College will be provided upon completion of a transcript request form. The transcript request form can be found on the JSCC website or by visiting the Continuing Education office in McGowen and are processed on Thursdays; please allow 3-5 days for processing. There is a $6.00 charge for each official transcript.


Adults who desire counseling regarding their education or career plans should contact the Career Planning Counselor in Student Services.

College and Career Readiness

The Pre-College/Basic Skills Program is designed to assist individuals improve their reading, writing, math, and technological skills so that they can successfully obtain their adult high school (AHS) diploma, their high school equivalency (HSE) credential, obtain employment, or improve their English language skills.

The program is based upon the philosophy that every individual, regardless of his/her status or his/her functional level should have the opportunity to participate in continuing educational activities. The philosophy further incorporates the belief that every individual is teachable, trainable, and capable of realizing self-improvement.

All classes are free* and are located on the JSCC campus as well as other sites throughout Duplin County.

To enroll you must:

  1. Attend an orientation
  2. Meet with your advisor and register for classes
  3. Attend classes

If you are enrolling in Adult High School, please bring your transcripts. If you are under 18 years old, you must complete our Basic Skills Underage Form and bring it with you to orientation.

Adult Basic Education

The purpose of the ABE program is to provide the fundamental academic skills needed to function in today’s technological society. While focusing on accelerated reading and math skills, the ABE program explores ways to enhance your job performance, parenting skills, household management, civic participation, self-esteem, thinking skills, and other life skills. ABE provides critical review courses in preparation for AHS or HSE.

Adult High School Diploma Program

The Adult High School (AHS) Diploma Program is designed for students who desire to complete their high school education. The AHS program is for the person who has completed a minimum of the eighth grade, or its equivalent, who is a high school dropout, or who has left school without earning a high school diploma. A currently enrolled high school student is not eligible to take AHS courses.

James Sprunt Community College has adopted the following minimum requirements for issuance of a high school diploma in cooperation with the Duplin County Board of Education:

  • 4 English units
  • 4 Mathematics units (including Algebra I and Geometry)
  • 4 Social Studies units (Government/Economics, US Studies I & II, & World Studies)
  • 3 Science units (Earth Science, Physical Science, & Biology)
  • 1 Health/PE unit
  • 6 Elective units 

Students must have 22 units of credit to successfully complete the AHS program.

High School Equivalency

The High School Equivalency (HSE) test is given by James Sprunt Community College by appointment only on scheduled testing days. Upon successful completion, a person is issued a High School Equivalency Diploma by the State Board of Community Colleges.

Students can prepare for the HSE by attending orientation and enrolling in classes. The HSE test includes the areas of Language Arts-Writing, Language Arts-Reading, Science, Social Studies, and Mathematics.

HSE Testing

The State of North Carolina has approved three different high school equivalency assessments: GED®, HiSET™, and TASC™. All three tests lead to the same North Carolina State Board of Community Colleges High School Equivalency Diploma. JSCC offers two of the assessments: GED®, HiSET™. Our HSE preparation classes are designed to prepare the student for any of these tests.

GED® Testing Service is a computer-based test. There are four parts to the test: Language Arts (Reading and Writing are combined), Science, Social Studies, and Mathematics. The cost for the test is $80 ($20 per test), and students can retake each section twice for free. For more information go to

HiSET™ is a computer or paper-based test. There are five parts to the test: Reading, Writing, Science, Social Studies, and Mathematics. The price for each subtest is $10.75. Students can retake each section twice for free if they purchased the complete battery. For more information, go to

English Language Acquisition

The English Language Acquisition (ELA) program, formerly known as ESL, provides classes to accommodate the enormously varied immigrant population of Duplin County. Attention is given to both the cultural and linguistic needs of the program’s students as instructors focus on the formation of accurate and appropriate communication skills and upon the student’s ability to function in the American adult community.

Students are placed in classes after appropriate assessment. Classes are for all levels of English language learners. The curriculum focuses on developing the basic language skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Classes integrate English language instruction with topics that prepare students for everyday life, employment, and citizenship. Instructors use an array of instructional materials and strategies to meet individual learning styles and to foster interest in learning.

Workplace Programs

James Sprunt Community College fosters partnership arrangements with business and industry for the delivery of entry level skill services to adults in the workplace. Programs offered by Continuing Education are designed to improve the productivity of the workforce through improvements in employee skills by:

  1. Providing instruction at the work site for those employees who need to improve their skills;
  2. Providing instruction at the work site for those employees who wish to earn a HSE high school equivalency certificate;
  3. Meeting the skill needs of employees with limited English proficiency;
  4. Upgrading or updating skills of adult workers in accordance with change in workplace requirements, technology, products, or processes;
  5. Improving the competency of adult workers in speaking, listening, reasoning, and problem solving; and
  6. Providing educational counseling and support services to employees while they are enrolled in a workplace skills program.

Human Resources Development (HRD)

The mission of the Human Resources Development (HRD) program is to educate and train individuals for success in the workplace. Human Resources Development is a self-sufficient program designed to provide the instruction and counseling an individual needs to succeed in today’s competitive job market. HRD is designed to help unemployed and underemployed adults successfully obtain and maintain employment.

HRD’s primary objective is teaching individuals to assess their assets and limitations, develop a positive self-image, improve academic skills, and understand the dynamics of interpersonal relationships. HRD offers a variety of classes that give the students an avenue to explore employment opportunities or skills training that can be studied even further by enrolling at James Sprunt Community College. The staff will provide job counseling to students and will assist students in updating their resumes and in obtaining job referrals and letters or recommendation. HRD is the ideal place for professionally minded people who are interested in finding their place in the world of work. All HRD courses are offered at no charge to individuals who are unemployed or received notice of a layoff or pending layoff. HRD courses are also fee-waived for those who may be “underemployed” as determined by the state and federal guidelines. See Fees section in the Continuing Education section of the catalog.

Occupational Extension

Occupational extension courses are specifically designed to provide training that leads to employment upgrades the skills of persons presently employed or retrains individuals for new employment in different occupational fields. These courses may be offered exclusively by the college or in cooperation with business and industry. Occupational extension courses cover a range of topics to include fire service training, emergency medical services, law enforcement training and variety of technical as well as administrative topics. Training to meet state certification or recertification requirements may be provided as occupational extension courses.

Self-Supporting Programs

The College offers a limited number of courses on a self-supporting basis. These classes may be recreational or occupational in areas of public interest. Examples include such classes as belly dancing, cake decorating, and photography. Defensive Driving is also offered as a self-supporting class. For more information on self-supporting class offerings, call (910) 275-6160.

Small Business Center (SBC)

Started in 1984 when the North Carolina State Legislature funded thirteen Small Business Centers (SBCs), the system has grown and by 1995 the SBCN had at least one SBC at each of the 58 Community Colleges within North Carolina. The system has now expanded to over 60 sites throughout the state and is known as the most expansive state funded technical assistance program in the United States, having locations within a 30 minute drive of virtually every North Carolinian. The objective of the SBC at James Sprunt Community College is to increase the success rate and the number of viable small businesses in Duplin County and the surrounding areas by providing high quality, readily accessible assistance to prospective and existing small business owners, which will lead to job creation and retention. Our SBC is a community-based provider of education and training, counseling, referral and information.

The Small Business Center at JSCC has positioned itself to focus on entrepreneurship and economic development in Duplin County, with an emphasis on assisting startups, early stage and troubled businesses. Our unique structure allows ease of access and unparalleled knowledge of and linkages to local communities. Understanding that knowledge is power, the SBC at JSCC provides over 25 free seminars and workshops each year in a wide range of topics of interest to current and prospective business owners.


  1. Seminars in the areas of starting a small business, writing business plans, financial and cash flow management, using QuickBooks to manage your business, critical metrics for any small business, why some businesses are successful, marketing and advertising for small business, creating a web page for small business, using multimedia in a small business, improving your credit score and loan availability, the art of negotiating, and many others.
  2. Confidential One-on-One Counseling for the prospective or current business owner. These sessions typically identify the goals of the business owner and then help them develop a plan to succeed. If needed, referrals are made to other resources as appropriate.
  3. Networking of Linkages including the State Department of Commerce, Small Business Administration, State Business Licensing Information Office, Duplin County Economic Development Commission, local Chambers of Commerce, Small Business Center Network, Small Business and Technology Centers, SCORE and many other public and private sources of assistance.

Eligibility Requirements

Assistance is available to anyone currently operating a business or planning a business start-up. There is no charge for SBC at JSCC services, but appointments for counseling sessions and advance registration for seminars are strongly suggested.

Customized Training Program

The NCWorks Customized Training Program (CTP) is to provide customized training assistance in support of full-time production and direct customer service positions created in Duplin County, thereby enhancing the growth potential of companies located in the county while simultaneously preparing Duplin County’s workforce with the skills essential to successful employment in emerging industries. The training is tailored to meet the specific needs of new, expanding and existing business and industry in support of job growth, productivity enhancement and technology investment.